Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chicken Cordon Bleu

okay these are my own pictures! I actually thought to pull out the camera.
4-6 Chicken breast. If they are thick. fillet them. If they are smaller leave them as is.
Trim off all excess fat.
Place chicken breast in between or in a heavy duty ziplock.( you want a heavy duty plastic so the meat mallet won't turn your chicken to mush.
Use a MEAT MALLET to flatten and tenderize ( both sides of chicken)
Add a piece of HAM ( I use what ever kind I have on hand.) Just so long as it fits and you can roll it up.
And a 1/2 Square ( Triangle it.) Of Swiss cheese.
To the middle of your flattend chicken.
Begin to roll from one side to the other.
And tooth pick, the middle and sides.( sides to attempt to keep the cheese IN)
Repeat process until desired amount is done.
Melt about a 3-4 Tbs of Butter ( or Margarine)brush all over the chicken
Then dip n Roll in Bread crumbs.( I like the italin bread crumbs.)
Place on a baking sheet. about 2 in apart.
Bake at 350 Degree's for about 20-25 min( till chicken is completely cooked.)
Turn off oven... add another Triangle of swiss cheese on top( since you will still lose a bit out the sides. and we like cheese.) Flip your oven to broil. let the cheese melt and bubble. ( watch close. Broil only takes a min. or two.)
Remove ALL THE toothpicks. before serving.
Smells so good. and my ALL my kids will eat this one.
I got the recipe from a guy when I worked at pepperidge.. I can't remember his name real well.. I think it was Adam(line 1 adam?)... but I could be wrong... any way thanks guy at old work!

1 comment:

jess said...

holy yum this looks good. and you say i'm gourmet? i don't even own a meat mallet. i've always wanted one, though. does that count?