Monday, February 9, 2009

Fresh Wheat Bread

( This isn't my bread.. But when I make another load I'll put mine up.)

1 & 1 TBS of warm water
1 TBS. of honey
1 tsp of Yeast
1 tsp of vital wheat gluten ( found by the flour in baking aisles.)
2 Tbs of butter
1 Tbs of of powder milk
2 Tbs if brown sugar
9 oz of red wheat berry*
9 oz of white wheat berry*
( I use a plastic 9 oz plastic cup to measure, it turns out to be about 1-1/2 C. ground.)
If you need a bit more flour, you can grind a bit more or you can just fill in the rest with normal ol' wheat or white flour.
1Tbs of Salt

Let your yeast, gluten, sugar/honey disolve in warm water til foamy add rest of ingrediants.
Let raise for about 30-45 min or double in size.
At first the dough will look like.. well, not dough but a garbled mess.. that okay.. keep mixing it and it will start to ball up just like a good dough should. give it 10 min or so.
you dough will shape easilly and will be firmer then reg. white.
Punch down and shape into loaf. raise again for about 30-45 min
Bake @350 for about 30 min
Makes 1 Loaf

YOu don't have a wheat grinder? well, go get one!!! you can get a hand grinder one for about 50-75 bucks at a kitchen store and it only takes 10 -15 min. to grind all you need. (electric one are super cool,super fast... but super expensive.) Trust me it is soo fresh and very worth it.

If you just want to use regular wheat flour that works too.( I won't claim it's Just as good. But since you won't have the freshly grounded wheat to compare it too. It's still really pretty tasty.)

Credit : Nadine Bailey. The queen of yummy breads!

* I don't know if you can get wheat berry in a store or not. But if you jump online and go to LDS homestorage webstite. I think you can order from there. Or if you live close to Amish country.. they have great prices and huge bulk on both. ( it's where I got mine.)


Liz said...

Hello, I know you don't know me. I stumbled on to your blog from a friend's, but I have a question for you. How do you find that wheat grinder- really? I have been looking at that one, I don't even know if it's available here in Canada, but is it really that easy to use? Thanks.

Stacey Irwin said...
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Stacey Irwin said...

Liz, If I remember right I think I see you on Tami's blog right?! you are welcome to my blog anytime!

I'm not sure if you can get this in Canada or not. Maybe Ebay?
My grinder looks exactly like that except it's made by Victorio.
I don't think it's terrible at all to grind it.. It takes a few min. But it's not an all day chore. ANd isn't too hard to crank at all. And it lets you adjust the coursness of the grain. I love mine. ( sure I wish I had electric for pure convience& speed.) Maybe when money grows on trees.:)

Liz said...

Thanks Stacey, I appreciate the help and review. I will check into it.

Yes, you got it right, I am a friend of Tami's up here in the great white North.

My mother in law has an electric one, but I don't want to travel over there all the time and would like to have one in case there isn't power or something.

I will be back to your blog. I love checking others' recipes. Enjoy your day.

jess said...

dang you mormons and your hand ground wheat. did you also drive your hand cart across the plains to harvest this wheat by hand?


my kids would like to do this, and honestly, i'd like to try it out myself. i'm not sure if you can buy a wheat grinder in utah, however, without your temple recommend.

i'm funny, right?

Stacey Irwin said...

it does sound a bit mormony doesn't it?!
It this wheat bread wasn't so darn good. I wouldn't take the time to grind my own wheat!( I'm not that commited!)

If I bought my wheat in Amish country?. . well that's pretty close to the pulling your own cart isn't man. Now I have to go do something totally 2009 techy!

Snipe a grinder on Ebay I don't think they ask for Recommends!LOL! you crack me up..
Give this wheat grinding a try sometime and I will SOO have you converted!

yeah.. your funny.